Join The Nation's Oldest and Most Historic

Black Trade Association

We connect you with real business opportunities! We also lists member Realtists on our website visited by NAREB’s financial partners, Affiliates, homebuyers, and Realtists nationwide looking for business alliances!


Membership with Western Washington Realtist (WWR) provides you with an opportunity to participate in an organization with a legacy of advocacy for social, political and economic parity for minority communities and real estate industry professionals.

As a member of our local Board, you are affiliated with the oldest minority professional organization in the real estate industry-the NationalAssociation of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB).

Western Washington Realtist members receive a Designation as a“Realtist”. Realtist provide a source of pride and distinction associated with this honored name. WWR sponsored conferences, seminars, workshops, and lectures provides opportunities for your personal growth, professional development, entrepreneurial endeavors, and service to our communities.


Sales Associate Members

$135 Annually

shall be those individuals who hold a license under a member Real Estate Broker as a salesperson and shall have one-half (1/2) vote in all annual meetings. Brokers/Agents of Broker Member.

*(Individual must be a real

estate broker)

Individual Broker Members 

$215 Annually

shall be a licensed broker who is certified by a local board or by individual membership approved by the Board of Directors and

shall have one (1) vote in all annual meetings. Designated & Managing Brokers.

*(Individual must be a real

estate broker)

Allied Associate Members 

$135 Annually

shall be those individuals who hold a license under any

non-member Real Estate Broker and shall have one-half (1/2) vote in all annual meetings.

Broker/Agent whose DB or MB

is not a member.

*(Individual must be a real

estate broker)



$185 Annually

shall be those individuals, associations, organizations,

co-partnerships, and corporations engaged in business allied to real estate

and shall have one-quarter (1/4) vote in all annual meetings.

*(Any Individual that does NOT hold a real estate license)


NAREB advocates for public policies that protect and expand sustainable homeownership.

NAREB partners with other real estate trade groups, civil rights organizations, fair and equal housing advocates, and financial services institutions to create homeownership for African Americans and other minorities realized.

NAREB connects you with real business opportunities. Our Realtists are listed on our National website that are visited by our financial partners, affiliates, homebuyers, and other Realtists nationwide looking for business alliances.

NAREB alerts Realtists to policy changes.

NAREB provides tools for our Realtists to meet today’s real estate challenges with training, certifications, and designations to us ahead of the curve.

NAREB offers Realtist-only listing opportunities in locations where there is an active NAREB Local Board.

NAREB convenes national and regional conferences attended by financial industry decision makers, economists, federal/state/local housing policymakers, and elected officials.

NAREB provides Realtist-only discounts on both business and personal services.

NAREB provides links to experts from the broad spectrum of real estate industry disciplines.

Becoming a member of NAREB makes you a part of the oldest real estate trade association that has a professional real estate network located throughout the United States all working to ensure “Democracy in Housing”.

Since 1947 NAREB has been on the front lines battling issues related to democracy in housing, from housing discrimination to fair lending, from gentrification to urban renewal.


Education and


Opportunities are available to our entire membership across the many disciplines we represent, providing certifications and special designations in many areas of interest.



Realtist-only listing opportunities in locations where NAREB chapters are active

Registered National Website

Realtist members are registered on National's website visited by NAREB’s financial partners, Affiliates, homebuyers, and Realtist nationwide looking for business alliances.

Join Our Democracy in Housing Cause And Subscribe